sâmbătă, 3 ianuarie 2009


1 minut: acorduri de pian, versuri care ma fac sa plutesc, nu imi mai simt corpul, m-am desprins de mine
2 minute: acorduri de pian frenetice, cuvinte, versuri care zboara si se indrepta spre mine, spre zborul meu
3 minute: acorduri de pian si mai frenetice, cuvinte imprastiate, versuri care duc la extaz, zboara in toate directiile si in toate modurile posibile si imposibile
51 de secunde: calm, acorduri usoare, acorduri dulci, liniste, agonie si extaz

Tom McRae-Untitled
"Get me out, get me out, get me out of this room, let me see
Cut it out, cut it out, rip it out from this wound, let me bleed
But wait now, wait now for me...won't you...

Shut it out, shut it out, black it out with the night, to put me at ease won't you...
Talk it out, talk it out, yell out to the ghosts that stalk the street
But wait now, wait now for me...

And we'll sail on the high tide, drift on the open sea
I've been waiting for so long

Take my hand, take my hand, kiss me softly, then take your leave..won't you..
Sit down, sit down, take the weight of me, let me grieve
But wait now, wait now for me

And we'll sail on the high tide, drift on the open sea
I've been waiting for so long

But wait now, wait now for me

And we'll sail on the high tide, drift on the open sea
I've been waiting for so long"

Inchid ochii si vad marea
E liniste si aud pianul
Era chiar ea si reaparea
Pana-n crepuscul
Agonie si extaz
Ganduri goale
Ganduri pline


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