marți, 23 aprilie 2013

The amethyst queen ring

Once upon a time in a faraway land
There was a wise queen without a kingdom
Without a body or a soul to call her own.
It was all dark around her
And the silence was beyond all bearing
She was trapped but she was safe.
Until they came with all the noise
With a light that hurt her eyes.
They stared crushing, beating
Hurting all her senses.
They didn’t stopped and continued tearing
And carving with their big silver swords.
They took her to a place that she hadn’t seen before
It was all green and filled with light
A warm and lovely light
That caressed her wounds.
She was outside the cave for the very first time
But wait she knew the place
It was the forest from her dreams
Where she ran and screamed
Words of joy or of great fear.
They were still walking in the deep forest
Pass the rivers and the lilies
That smiled and smelled so nice.
They stopped in front of a big white house
With spears instead of fences
And dragons that lost their senses.
They knocked the big white door
And it opened with a scream.
She was afraid.
They took her to a room
Where there was a monster
A big silver shiny machine.
She was afraid.
Then they closed the doors and left her there
There was a strange feeling in the air
Suddenly she felt a burn
A white fire was cutting through her
Then polishing and blowing.
They came back and put her on a silver ring
Happiness was the first thing
That came into her mind. She felt pretty.
Then they took the ring to the princess
And gave it on a bed of roses.
“Oh what a lovely ring
What a lovely amethyst ring!”
And thus finishes the story of the amethyst queen.

luni, 22 aprilie 2013

Tort de mure perfid de dulce

Te uiti la mine si astepti, astepti sa spun ceva
Sa iti spun de ce, de ce as vrea
Dar eu ma uit in gol, in golul din trecut
Si imi lipesc urechea sa ascult.
E liniste totala si strada complet goala
Dar intunericul tipa si ma infioara
Fuge dupa mine cu pasii sai micuti
N-ai vrea sa ii asculti!
M-a ajuns din urma si vrea sa-mi fure
Ganduri ascunse cu miros de mure
Sa faca din ele tort
Un tort de gand mort.

Lumina imi inteapa ochii si rasuflu usurata
Ca a fost un vis,
Un vis perfid de dulce.

White roses

On a bed of white roses I lay down
And drown myself in their perfume
Feeling the soft touch of their petals
Imagining it’s yours.
The ceiling would be the sky
And the stars will tell us stories
And we will fall asleep
Into each other’s arms.
But wait I cannot dream
The image is becoming blurry
And my body is aching
And the pain is getting higher.
What have you done?
The bed was made of thorns
And you put the petals there
To trick me in believing
That you wanted me to be yours.

duminică, 21 aprilie 2013

Dulcea mea Dorinta

"Du-ma in mare ca sa ma pierd in valuri,
Du-ma in noapte ca sa ma pierd in stele,
Du-ma in munti ca sa ma pierd in frig,
Du-ma in cer ca sa ma pierd in Soare !
Nu ma mai incred in tine,
Mi-ai dat viata, m-ai nutritt
Nascocit, rasmalmacit
Si acum ma tii captiva
Ca pe un leu intr-o cusca.
Vreau sa pier in valuri,
Vreau sa pier in stele,
Vreau sa pier in Soare,
Sau sa mor de inghet."
Asa-i grai Dorinta domnitei din padure.

Ea ii raspunse cu un glas duios :
"Te-am vrut dar nu mai vreau.
Ai fost un gand, un trecator,
Mi te-ai plimbat prin minte,
Iar acum esti calator.
Du-te in alte minti
Dulcea mea Dorinta!"